The process of company registrations Zimbabwe has not been much clearer. Below is all you need to know about business registration and having your startup company incorporated in Harare.

Register a Company in Zimbabwe

A company can be registered in Zimbabwe either as a Private Business Corporation(PBC) or as a Private Limited Company(PLC).

A PBC company suits best small medium enterprises(SMEs) whilst a limited company(PLC) is ideal for bigger businesses. It can be easily converted into a Public Limited company to appeal for funds from the public.


Requirements to register a PBC Company in Zimbabwe

A list of prerequisites you need to register a company in Zimbabwe is shown below.

  1. The company core business
  2. List of four(4) proposed company names
  3. Business physical and postal addresses
  4. Information about PBC members i.e names, ID numbers & share percentages
  5. Contact details of the person responsible


Requirements for register a Private Limited company in Zimbabwe

A list of pre requisites you need to register a Pvt Ltd company is shown below.

  1. The company core business
  2. List of four(4) proposed company names
  3. Business physical and postal addresses
  4. Director’s full names, ID numbers and residential addresses
  5. Shareholder’s full names, residential addresses and shareholding percentage
  6. Appointment of company secretary, full name, ID number and residential addresses
  7. Contact details of the person responsible


Four vital documents every PBC company should have

The documents below are a must to have for every PBC company to consider operating formally.

You should take note of what these documents mean and why they are necessary for PBC registration.

1. Statement & Certificate of Incorporation

The document proves that a company is legally incorporated as a PBC company and is bound under the PBC Act by the Registrar of Companies.

It will be used whenever the CR6, CR14 Memorandum and Articles of Association are required.

2. ITF263 Tax Clearance Certificate

A tax clearance is a must when you really want to engage in a formally recognized deal with a registered business.

It shows that the company complies and conforms to ZIMRA Tax Authority. Without it, you may lose a sizable good business.

3. Company By-laws

This is a document that legally binds all the members in a PBC company.

It outlines how operations will be undertaken, clearly stating the procedures to take when ceasing business operations.

This is helpful especially when things get messy when it comes to dissolving a business.

4. Shareholder Certificates

These certificates are acts as evidence that shows your stake of ownership in a company.

It is often found more useful to the next of kin in case a dispute arises.


Key features of Private Business Corporation (PBC)

  • Allow 1-20 member(s) to operate. This suits sole trading and partnership businesses.
  • Use company by-laws to govern profits sharing and procedures for company dissolution.
  • Statement & Certificate of Incorporation is the document outcome.


Key features of Private Limited Company (PLC)

  • Allow 2-50 shareholders to operate. This suits bigger types of businesses.
  • Its a must for every limited company to appoint a company secretary.
  • Memorandum and articles of association are the document outcome.


Advantages of operating a registered PLC/PLC company

  1. You can easily raise more capital from financial institutions.
  2. Eligible to apply for government tenders and bigger business.
  3. Enjoy limited liabilities, protecting you from losing your personal property to cover debts.
  4. Affords you to be at peace with the Tax & Revenue Authority.
  5. Safeguards you from losing business to registered businesses.


4 Reasons to start business in Zimbabwe

Starting a business in Zimbabwe is not an easy task but often the most lucrative thing when it comes to rewards.

Some of the major reasons to consider starting a company are shown below.


1. Pursuing your passion

Very few people have managed to follow their passion in a lifetime.

Different barriers such as educational requirements often stand as stumbling blocks in their way.

Only starting a business can be the answer to pursue what you are passionate about.


increase revenue2. Increasing your income

No doubt a successful business can generate a lot of revenue compared to any full-time employment you can get anywhere.

Don’t you want to be the next person to leverage the benefits of starting a successful one company yourself?


create employment3. Employment creation

Sooner or later your startup company is going to expand and need to hire people.

Creating employment impacts directly to the surrounding society.

You will have an opportunity to help change the lives of those locals employed, affording them basic needs and wants.


driving the economy4. Improve your job security

Its time to quit thinking of getting fired by your boss anymore.

Starting a business helps you stop earning that fixed salary but assures you the continuity of employment as long business exists.

Thus safeguarding against the possibility of any job loss in the foreseeable future.


How can i register a company in Zimbabwe?

To register a company in Zimbabwe you have two options. These two options are elaborated below so that you can choose one for yourself.

  1. Business registration in Zimbabwe by doing it yourself

    Though a bit complicated, it involves you preparing the company documents like CR14, Statement & Certificate of Incorporation, visiting the Registrar of Companies office, lodging your documents and a lot of follow-ups too.

  2. Company formation in Zimbabwe through consultants

    This involves engaging experienced third-party agents to do the company registration process on your behalf. Thus transferring all the hustles involved during business registration to the consultant of your choice.

How much will it cost to register a company?

It is now easy to form your own company and become your own boss.

Our company registration charges are relatively cheaper than the industry average.

Item description Price
Private Business Corporation (PBC) formation US $65
Private Limited Company (PLC) formation US $235

My question will remain “why paying more for the same thing?”


Online company registration in Zimbabwe

It has become easier to register your company online in Zimbabwe than what it was previously.

With online business registration, there is no need to physically visit our offices since you can initiate and complete the process so long there is internet access.

Two simple steps to online company registration in Zimbabwe

To register a company online click here to fill the information on the form and send us your company details.

This information includes company names, business objectives, information about members/shareholders and the contact person.

Click the submit button to see send us your information.

Then proceed to make a payment since the business registration process begins only when payment is successfully completed.

Wish you good luck and all the best in becoming your own boss.